Game Design

Video game design allows me to combine many of my favorite aspects of creative storytelling — character development, dialog, story concepts, world-building, and gameplay UX.

October, 2023

This mobile game was created as a team entry in the DGDG Game Jam competition. It’s a whimsical satire featuring the themes of good vs. evil and life and death. The player is a pig that must navigate between Heaven and Hell. 

I am responsible for the game concept and title, graphics, animations, music, sound, character design, and UX.  Above is a screen-by-screen demo of the gameplay.

Above is a screen-by-screen demo of the gameplay.

Entrepreneurial Game Studio


In 2022 our 7-person team won a competitive bid to participate in Drexel’s EGS — an incubator “factory” for student-run game startups. We meet bi-weekly to develop and produce our original multi-player game with the current working title of “The Most Diplomatic Solution.” As the creative lead, I am responsible for the game’s overall story concept and visual aesthetic, sound design, character development, and musical score.

We are fortunate to be mentored by Tony Rowe, a founder of Call of Duty.

In this game, intergalactic leaders battle for power and dominance to the amusement of a greater civilization beyond their view. Below are some samples of the work-in-progress from this project. 

Characters Lubwug and Spittle are broadcast commentators that cover intergalactic battles as if they are sporting competitions. 

Above, my character design for Delegate Dolus at left, with artist Jake Stratton’s first demo build at right.

Below, original gameplay and UI sketches, and some musical themes for the game.

Top left: Main Menu Bottom left: Character Select Top right: Options Bottom right: Controls

Top left: Game Modes Bottom left: Maps Top right: Game Play Screen Bottom right: Health Bar

Below are some musical themes for the game.